Do You Have Any of these Dental Emergencies?
If you or a loved one is experiencing any of the dental problems below, call One Dental Studio. Even if you’re not sure it’s an emergency, you can call us and find out. Here are the common types of emergencies we treat:
- Loose Tooth: If an adult tooth becomes loose, it could become a major problem that should be treated by a dentist. (A loose baby tooth, however, can often just fall out at home.)
- Tooth Pain: Sometimes, tooth pain can be bearable and temporary, but if it keeps getting worse, it could be a symptom of a deeper problem. Let us diagnose and treat it.
- Broken or Chipped Tooth: An injury or unknown cause can break a piece of your tooth off or crack your tooth. Hold onto any fragments. Call One Dental Studio right away to get your tooth and smile restored.
- Knocked Out Tooth: If your tooth or a child’s tooth gets knocked out in an accident, call One Dental Studio immediately. We’ll help you save the tooth, if it’s possible. Putting the original tooth back in can be a much better option for you than getting a replacement.
Whatever your emergency, you can take a moment to breathe easily because you are not alone. You have One Dental Studio here to help!
Call One Dental Studio for Dental Emergencies
If you or a loved one is in a lot of pain, please call One Dental Studio, even after business hours. We may be able to quickly restore your tooth or jaw. We’ll also give you guidance over the phone, which will help you through this hard time. Call us now!