What Sedation Dentistry Options Are There?
We’re DOCS Certified in several effective sedation dentistry techniques. That certification ensures you’ll be completely safe under our care.
If you visit One Dental Studio—even for a routine procedure— you can get a sedative to calm your anxiety and make you comfortable. You can also get stronger sedation during restorative or cosmetic dentistry. These sedation options include:
- Laughing Gas: A popular and proven method, this involves simply breathing a colorless gas into your nose and mouth. It quickly gives a feeling of relaxation and comfort. It has no side effects and wears off right away, so you can drive yourself home.
- Oral Conscious Sedation: This sedation is easy—you just take a pill an hour before your dental services. It will relax you and make you feel calm. Just make sure you arrange for someone to drive you here and back!
Talk to us about your anxiety, so we can help. We want to use these sedation options to help you relax while you get the dental care you need.
Schedule Anxiety-Free Dentistry
If you have avoided the dentist before, please let us know your needs. At One Dental Studio, we don’t mind how long it has been since your last appointment. We just want to protect and promote your oral health. That will also protect the health of your whole body!
Don’t miss out on great oral health. Call us today, and we promise to make your next visit pain-free, relaxing, and maybe even pleasant.